Thursday, September 16, 2004

Tame in Tallahassee

It's been a relatively quiet day here... some gusty winds, a few rain squalls. You would not even know there has been a disaster 200 miles away if it wasn't for the news. I just had a look at the Pensacola News Journal images. The damage looks bad for Pensacola. Bad flooding, wind damage and tornadoes.

It's a different world here. I've spent a lazy day, hanging out at a bookstore. Tonight I found a nice coffee shop, with high speed internet, and downloaded a audio book to listen to on my trip back to Tennessee.

Our plan for tomorrow is to set out early and try to get the instruments, if they are still standing. They may have even measured the eye of the storm from the storm tracks I've seen. The lead scientist wants to make an attempt at getting to the instruments. It doesn't look like a great day to travel to me. Many of the bridges are closed, and a section of the I-10 bridge collapsed. We'll see..... more to follow.

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